Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Hello everyone! I've returned safely from my trip to Berlin and I wanted to share some of my photos/experiences with ya'll! (I don't know why this is underlined but I can't get it to go away.) I only have a little while because I'm just taking a break from studying for an exam, but I'll provide some captions and give you a gist of what is going on. Also, these pictures are for the most part in reverse chronological order.

My authentic German meal:
Pickled Pig Knuckle, Stewed Potatoes, Sauerkraut, Mashed Peas, and of course,
a Stein of Oktoberfest Beer

This was our last stop on the way out of town.
This is where they held the Potsdam Conference
The bar at the hostel:
We took it over on Karaoke Night =)

This is looking down on the mirrors from the dome on the Bundestag (German Parliament)
The architecture of this building was insane!

Holocaust Memorial - this was my favorite monument to visit.

Brandenburg Gate - very similar to the Arc De Triomphe

Inside the Holocaust memorial.
I love this shot.

The destroyed church. Now a monument to remind everyone of the destruction during WWII.
This was my second favorite monument, and was right outside my hostel!

Speaks for itself!

Berlin Wall, does the mural look familiar?

At the Jewish Museum. This pit is to represent the void that the Jews fell into during the Holocaust.

The Garden of Exile at the Jewish Museum. Walking through it, you feel uneasy; almost queezy.

Outside the Bundestag.

The Berliner Dome

Hope you all enjoyed checking out these pictures! I have many many more but this is all I have to post now. Hope everyone is doing well and I miss you all!


Meredith said...

fantastic photos!! I couldn't decide which one was my favorite.

you ate pig knuckle?! I am grossed out but impressed :))

Anonymous said...

great to keep up with you and your pictures are just wonderful glad you are having this great experience Neighbor Nancy

Anonymous said...

Hey, Stephen...It's Chris Jensen's take really good pictures. They're beautiful. I enjoy looking at them. A lady from my sister's church is in China and I have been looking and reading her blog there. So very interesting. Thanks for sharing your experience. Stay safe.

Chris' Mom

Meredith said...

