Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Brussels was the second trip that we took for the GLOBE Program in Europe. This trip aligned a great deal with one of our courses, Corporate Responses to European Integration. The course itself examined the various institutions of the EU on a macro level, the directives they pass on the meso level, and the affects on corporations working within the EU on the micro level. Overall it was a great course and I learned a ton of stuff that I never would have learned because of it.

The pictures aren't that exciting because there aren't but so many sights to see in Brussels, but they cover trips to visit the EU Council, EU Parliament, EU Commission, and various lobbying bodies and group to get an in-depth understanding of the supranational entities within the EU.

Overall, the sights in Brussels we're pretty cool but they didn't have quite the same affect as those in Berlin. My favorite was the "Manakin Pis" which is a statue of a small boy peeing water into a basin. The ingenious part of this statue is that you can change the substance that he pees... We got to experience this our first day as they were having some celebration that required the small boy to pee beer! So, we got a few free beers from the lad. T'was quite exciting and just reaffirms my belief that beer, not oil, fuels Europe.

In general, Brussels is as you would expect the majority of Europe to be... Relatively expensive, crappy weather, no "the customer is always right" attitude. BUT don't let this discourage you from making a visit. Brussels is the center of what is going on within Europe right now and if they are going to become "The United States of Europe" (what my roomate is writing his honors thesis on) then it will take place in Brussels.

Check out the photos!

This was our last day in Brussels. Some of us guys were hanging out at a local Pub, Churchhills, playing some pool

Definitely one of the coolest pubs ive ever been to - Delirium Cafe - where they have over 2000 different beers from around the world and live music at their bar downstairs. Highly recommend!

The main square in Brussels at night. It was gorgeous. There are buildings like this all the way around the square and those are the power lines with lights on them.

Parliament - one of the less efficient bodies of the EU as it has some 750+ members from all the member-states.

The UNC GLOBE Guys at the Parliament building.

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