Monday, September 1, 2008

Summer winding down

This weeks marks the beginning of my classes... I know, don't feel bad for me though, it's only two days of class =P I just wanted to drop a line to all thanking for recipes and what not. If you would like to continue sending me some, email them to The grocery store situation is WEAK! Canned soups and beans are relatively nonexistent outside of green beans and corn... I wanted to buy some pinto beans at the "luxury grocery," but they're $4 a can... HAH. Today I made a interesting concoctions... green beans strained and cooked w/ butter, salt, pepper. I added an egg and a little cheese. Was pretty good - not going to lie. Thank god I will eat practically anything.

I've been getting in the groove here. Going to the gym most days, which is located really near by to the school and my apartment - fitnessdk. I've been reading quite a bit too; I've gotten through two and a half books since I've been here. I haven't been to any more museums though - the best day to go is on Sunday because they're free then!

For our last "intro week" activity, the Danes through us a Casino themed party. Needless to say, it was quite a debauchery. They broke out the craps table, texas hold'em, and black jack. However, not too much poker was played because the Danes decided to spend the last of their budget on bottles of gin, vodka and greenolives (that's how they do martinis here evidently...) It was a really good time though and I feel really comfortable with each of them as we move towards the academic part of our stay.

It's been slightly different with the UCHK kids. They went to Norway last Thursday so they haven't been coming to the events with us. Also, the majority of them, except for two, don't drink. This has cut down on our bonding time with them quite a bit. Also, they aren't very athletic so they skipped out on our two sports days =/. I'm not saying our relationship with them is bad - we just want them to come hang out!

Weck and I - Reppin' UNC

Our "Elite" GLOBE Program

Much love to you all!


Anonymous said...

love reading you rblog thanks for including me Nancy O'Brien

Meredith said...

It does look like you are having some fun, I'll give you that! Good to hear that you are finding your "local rhythm".

Only 2 days of classes?! cushy...

Anonymous said...

Interesting relationship with the Chinese (I'll let everyone else tell you how awesome you and your exploits are :D ). I wonder if they haven't gotten strict marching orders from their higher-ups, whatever form that takes under an authoritarian education system, to make sure they A: represent China with utmost professionalism, especially around foreign students B: to spend as little time fraternizing with foreign students to minimize transference and perhaps unsavory (in the view of the People's Party) intellectual concepts. I am sure some of it is just natural culutral reservation and protection within the enclave. But authoritarian regimes like China's don't mess around with possibly letting some of their best and brightest get co-opted by Western capitalist (less of a problem now)/democratic (still SO MUCH a problem) ideals. They want these guys to be productive for the collective, after all. Intersting situation...

Anonymous said...

Sounds like some solid stuff going on! Excellent to have insights and close personal experiences to see how strongly cultural factors influence what people do and don't do. Group classwork may likely yield the strongest bond for your Chinese cohorts; and, it will be incredibly interesting to see what develops. Danish culture and values are not very far from American customs.

Thanks for the update, Stephen!