Sunday, August 17, 2008

Velkommen til København

I'm sitting here at my desk looking out the window a comfortably cool Sunday and thinking about how to begin my first post... I want something interesting or thought provoking, but nothing will come to mind. Finally, after staring out the window for the past 10 minutes, I noticed that I am living directly across from a flesh colored Greek Embassy! (See Pic 1) Pretty crazy eh?!

So, now that that's taken care of, I can proceed with describing this amazing place! I have to say that the only thing to complain about here is how fast money runs out of your pocket... For example:
Pint of Fosters - 47kr = $9.50
Jack and Coke - 50kr = $10
12oz Diet Coke - 10kr = $2

--- Don't worry, I eat too ;)

But you can't even complain about that because of the experience you're getting to have in this amazing place! I can see why this is ranked the happiest nation in the world! The people are nice, the food is good, the nightlife is hoppin', and of course the women are beautiful (I'm just sayin'). My apartment is located downtown, about a 10 minute walk from Nyhavn, the walking streets, and the water. My room is HUGE. It has a 10ft ceiling and is by far the largest room I have every lived in by myself. My hall mates are a hodge podge of Copenhagen Business School (CBS) people from varying nations of the world and there are also a few native Danes who do not attend CBS. We all share a kitchen which is well equipped but leaves you wanting more on cleanliness. My room is right next to both bathrooms, the washing machine/dryer, and the kitchen. I'm currently stealing internet from someone else's router because for whatever reason the internet is out. I honestly don't have enough stuff to inhabit this room because I'm leaving a bookshelf and a table completely unused. The walls are bare, but I'm sure I can find something to fill the space.

Greek Embassy

My KitchenMy BedMy ViewTo the Right
To the Left
My Desk and Dresser
Another Window Shot


Meredith said...

I'll ship myself over via UPS right away...make sure someone is there to sign for me.

Anonymous said...

Seriously cool digs, seriously great city and location within it. I just can't imagine how awesome it is to be 20 years old and living on your own in Copenhagen, to be followed by Hong Kong. You keep on living the dream, brudda!

Unknown said...

I'll try to dig up some of my 15 minute 5 ingredients recipes since I've not cooked in 5 years. Why don't you give me an idea of what basics are available over there. I also want to apply for a part time job with the AU group you Jon, Brad, Kende and the rest of the crew are going to set up. I'm not bored with retirement, yet and it sounds like a great opportunity since AU is the new disease of the week. HAve a great time! Sharon Loy

Damomma said...

GREAT living arrangements - I think your kitchen is bigger than mine! I'll see what Rachel Ray has to offer for quick/easy meals one might be able to cook in Denmark! In the meantime, just drink more beers!

(or Meredith's mom)

Unknown said...

Veggie soup - 1 individual can V-8, 1 large can of tomatoes diced or cut up, 1 chopped onion, 2 tsp Worchestershire, 1/2 tsp chilli pwdr.2 bay leaves, 1 lg can veg-all and I use whatever leftover meat - chicken, burger, or roast I have. brown onions with meat and add rest of ingredients simmer for about 35 minutes. Keeps well in freezer or fridge. Hope you enjoy.