We turned the 12pg document in yesterday at 6pm (9pg of info, 3pg of appendix) and then prepared our 20 slide powerpoint for our presentation today. We just finished presenting about 2 hours ago and tonight we will go to a banquet where they will announce the winner of the prize - which should be relatively substantial. Honestly, I doubt we will win... but that is fine with me because of the way we all worked together! It was truly amazing given are very different backgrounds. The greatest difference became evident during the presentation as we each had our own style and experience with the scenarios. Not to toot our own horn... but we from the states came out in full force during this portion. I don't know if anyone is interested but feel free to ask me for a copy and I can e-mail it to you.
My Group!
This assignment was the only assignment that I have until September, so next week presents numerous fun activities for us! We will do a bit of sightseeing so I'll be able to give you the tourist's side of Denmark.
I have one request of you all too - Please post me some easy recipes this blog! =) The selection at grocery stores around here is limited so try to keep things basic also, remember who we're talking about here... I don't have that much experience.